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Projects Visit Rice University

Current Projects

Note: HiPerSoft has ceased operations as a separate entity. This page is retained for archival purposes only.

Compaq Partnership

Rice and Compaq Computer Corporation have entered into an alliance that involves three research projects:

  • advanced Java compilation ,
  • memory hierarchy management and OpenMP, and
  • integer and mixed-integer programming


Center for Scalable Application Development Software

The Center for Scalable Application Development Software (CScADS) was created to facilitate the scalability of applications to the petascale and beyond while fostering the development of new tools by the computer science community through support of common software infrastructures and standards.


The Virtual Grid Application Development Software (VGrADS)

The Virtual Grid Application Development Software (VGrADS) project is introducing new methods for effectively programming the Computational Grid. The key new concept is the use of "virtual grids" to provide higher levels of abstraction in discovering, scheduling, and monitoring resources.  In addition to simplifying programming, virtual grids allow scalable implementations to achieve high efficiency. (This project is an extension of the GrADS project.)


Prior Projects
